Coma White

What is Coma White?


Coma White is the final track on Marilyn Manson's album "Mechanical Animals". Many fans (including myself) declare it to be probably one of the band's (if not the best) songs that they have ever done.

The character Coma White is also rumoured to be based upon Manson's then girlfriend, Rose McGowan.

Also, the video which almost beautifully depicted the assasination of president JF Kennedy, was pulled from MTV shortly after the death of JF Kennedy Jr.

Theres something

Cold and blank

Behind her smile

Shes standing on an overpass

In a Miracle Mile

Cuz you were from a perfect world

A world that through me away

Today, today

To run away...

Me: jgkftggh I love Coma White...

See marilyn manson, twiggy ramirez, pogo


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