
What is Communard?


1. A portmanteau: communard = Communist + retard. Usually a pejorative. But always true.

2. A synonym for 'Communist'. Since a Communist is always a retard, a communard is the same thing as a Communist.

Person A: "There's 'love' in revolution! (albeit spelled backwards!) Power to the people! Long live Chairman Mao! Everyone is equal. Money is bad. Capitalism sucks. Workers of the world unite! I masturbate to pictures of Che Guevara!"

Person B: "Shut up, you communard."

In this example, Person A is, quite clearly, a communist and a retard, and thus a communard.

See communism, communist, communists, retards, tards, 'tards


1. A portmanteau: communard = Communist + retard. Usually a pejorative. But always true.

2. A synonym for 'Communist'. Since a Communist is always a retard, a communard is the same thing as a Communist.

Person A: "There's 'love' in revolution! (albeit spelled backwards!) Power to the people! Long live Chairman Mao! Everyone is equal. Money is bad. Capitalism sucks. Workers of the world unite! I masturbate to pictures of Che Guevara!"

Person B: "Shut up, you communard."

In this example, Person A is, quite clearly, a communist and a retard, and thus a communard.

See communist, retard, revolution, tard, 'tard, communism, korektphool


- A member of a French commune

- The more pejorative definition: an ultra-violent French Marxist faction that arose at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian war with the sole intent of throwing down the government and creating a proletariat paradise. The end result they sought was a fully state owned infra with high taxes and few freedoms. In this description, a communard is no better then a Trotskyite red; it is a fact that when the reds sought to bring their revolution to the world starting in 1918, France and Bulgaria were the most receptive to their message and as such were guilty of some repugnant actions in the name of Communism. Contrast France's actions with that of Germany or the UK to get a better picture.

"You americans need more government control; the freedom you have is a danger to the world."

"Freedom is a dangerous thing...especially to those who would deny it. Freedom could cause independent thought; can't have that!"

"The french believe in and support their government; they know what is best for their citizens. The high taxes we pay guarantee a working state, with out the dangerous freedoms you americans have!

(Middle finger gesture) Spoken like a true filthy Communard; shove your red faction bullshit up your ass!

See communist, liberal


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