
What is Compass?


A navigation device of ancient origin. It requires no batteries, but demands a reasonable amount of skill to use. With a compass, you can navigate through rough country to an unseen destination. It is most useful with a topographic map.

Millie used her compass to get to the ski hut.

Yuppies, Soccer Moms, and other sissies don't know how to use a compass. They need a GPS in their car just to get to work.

See street, road, wilderness, navigate, soccer mom, sissy, yuppie



1. The mixture of semen (Cum) and urine (Piss) that exits the penis after sexual intercourse. This whitish discharge is often the opening act for a golden shower.

2. The abundance of cum that exits the penis after extended intercourse

Raigen- "Yea, ohh yea, ride me!!"

Storm- "Im gunna compass!! OMGGGGGG!"

Raigen- "Wow. Get me a towel. WTF."

See golden shower, cum, piss, urine


nickname for a guy whose cock does not hang down straight

Dude . . . sweet compass.


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