
What is Compoopter?


1.A computer that is made of poop (feces)

2.A computer that is really laggy (see lag) and crashing

Example 1

Person 1: Omg my Compoopter is really starting to smell, I dont know why I even bought it

Example 2

Person 1: Why the fuck is my computer lagging so much!?

Person 2: Probably because you've downloaded so much music and games

See computer, feces, poo, lag, internet, slow


1.A computer that is either made of poop (feces)

2.A computer that is really laggy (see lag) and crashing

Example 1

Person 1: Omg my Compoopter is really starting to smell, I dont know why I even bought it

Example 2

Person 1: Why the fuck is my computer lagging so much

Person 2: Probably because you've downloaded so much games and music

See computer, feces, poo, lag, internet, slow


A degrading term used to insult crashy computers. See computer.

GAH! Stupid freezing compoopter!


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