
What is Compound-tailgation?


<noun><verb>(to compound-tailgate)

This is when a dumbass/old person in front of you is driving slow, usually going the actual speed limit or below, and you are trying not to tailgate them, when some douchebag genious behind you thinks it a great idea to tailgate you, hoping that will make the guy in front of you go faster. This usually results in a heated exchange, such as the tap of your breaks, wave of your hand, or spraying of the windshield wipers (my personal favorite). In the end, you eternally hate the person behind you because its all their fault.

Sorry I'm late bro, I got stuck behind this old man and this douche behind me caused some serious compound-tailgation, so I had to get out of the car and slap his bitch ass.

See tailgate, compound, douche, man, lady


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