
What is Contour?


A word used to greet or insult a fellow brother. A guy who says stupid shit.

Your a contour man.

That was a contourish move.

Bradley Woo.

See brother, dawg, friend, bruh


The worlds most sexy and beautiful car man kind has ever crafted.

Man check out that IP.II.IMI.IP in dat contour!

See Esteban


A brownish marijuana with trunk stems that is sticky that promotes a very psychedelic/energetic buzz. Common side affects are floating couch trips, bratwursts with peppers, trips to the Buddhist temple, and at times can cause a cerebal high that entails scientific proofs.

I don't want to walk downstairs. Let's smoke some contour and float down there on the couch.

See weed, ganja, moss, sofa, float


The outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object.

An artwork about shapes, the black or any other color around the shape is the contour.

See synonyms, curve, figure, core


contour means pushup.

"this here is a frilly contour bra"


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