
What is Contract?


Mafia word when a made guy offers a reward to another to kill a specific person.

For cooperating with the police, I'm going to put out a contract on his head.


(adj.) Term used to describe a sexual partner who sleeps with you without receiving something first i.e. Dinner, movie, gifts. You still end up paying for it eventually. Origin - UK mobile telephone payment system.

Atonym - Pay as you go

My girlfriend has put outfour times this week, I just know that I'm going to have to pay the contract soon.


An obligation to answer a specified number of questions, as on the TV game show Bullseye with Jim Lange; if a player finishes it, he has the option to bank the accumulated money.

"...that is your contract, and the numbers range from 1 to as many questions as you wish."

Jim Lange, explaining the rules of Bullseye


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