
What is Convergys?


The McDonaldsof technical support

I am so terribly sorry that you work for Convergys.

See Marc


The north american sweat shop of technical support.

I am off to put in my 8 hours and earn my 10 cent wage at Covergys today.


A company that is a self proclaimed leader in customer service that somehow bullshits it's clients , like Directv, Comcast, Fed X, and many others into believing they actually care about their customers.

They don't. At all. The only thought they have is to keep the underpaid , poorly trained employees on the phone in order to bill the clients for as many hours as possible.

The treatment of employees by Convergys management is an embarrassment to the corporate entity at best, and crosses the boarders of morality and legality regularly. And all the while proclaiming their care and concern for employees by various (outsourced) programs and practices, and a "human resource" department that would all be discarded instantly by any company that thought of employees as anything more than cattle to be bought and sold , treated with a total lack of understanding and respect, and discardred at will or whim for profit, or to cover mismanagement and poor decisions made by those in charge. Totally disregarding the impact on the lives of the employees and their dependants.

The employees , on an international scale, have a website dedicated to tell the real story of "The Con" as it is refered to at convergyssucks.

Before you get suckered in a job there you owe it to yourself to visit this site and get the real story of "The Con."

Any of Convergys clients would be well advised to lend a much greater amount attention to call "quality" rather than "quantity" or "solving problem time" in lieu of "handle time". You are throwing customers, money , and valuable personel out the window at a staggering rate.

Check out convergyssucks. Hundreds, maybe thousands of "ex-cons" each have a story to tell of abuse, ill treatment, poor training and horror stories of problem handling by Convergys management.

If you're looking for a call center to handle your customers or seeking employment advice, and that of hundreds that have been there is .........steer clear of Convergys for the sake of your sanity and wallet.

You are sent out on the call floor with a poor understanding of your job at best. And the programs you are forced to use are a joke but Convergys is in business with the software clowns writing this crap so you are stuck with inadequate tools.

They could care less because it is how long you are on the phone that makes them money. If you are helping customers or losing them ,makes no difference. Time on the line is money.

See heartless, liars, hypocrites


The fascinating thing about this piece-of-shit company is the 'metrics' they use to judge your performance.

They are:

1) Efficiency (i.e. 10 minutes and 50-fucking seconds)

2) Effectiveness. Sounds like getting the job done, right? Wrong. It's about (a) 'schedule adherence'--time clock shit, (b)'phone time variance'--yet more time clock shit, and (c) 'productivity'--the time you're on the phone when you're supposed to be--yes, even MORE time clock shit!

3) Attendance: Miss 1 or 2 days, you're not in trouble. You just drop in their rankings.

4) Professionalism: Conducting yourself like a normal human being in this environment, basically.

Nowhere does getting anything RIGHT, or even know what the fuck you're talking about, enter into it.

If you have Adelphia or Comcast, and get a knowledgeable tech, take a second (but no longer!) to thank them. They did it completely on their own. Management doesn't give a shit.

Convergys? Oh, yeah, another fucking worthless call center. Some jerk with a headset and a computer. It's all the same, right?

See desperation, mcdonald's


a piece of shit workplace that after u work at for more than 2 months u wanna fucking kill yourself and everyone u know yur entire family and there friends too. also known as the special olympics of jobs. fuck the whole company all their stupid call centres. i cant believe i can see the place from my window. jesus christ i cant believe i worked there for over a year. fuck there god damn schedule adhearance and their attendance policy. fuck all the TL's and MO's up in that bitch. especially sheldon frank. god damn crack ass cracka.

kill me right fuckin now before i snap and set it off up in this piece. fuck convergys all to hell mcjob shitholedeath sentance


An endurance test to how how much retarded bullshit you can put up with. If you can last 10+ years you'll end up an Operations Manager even if your are incompetent and have no clue what your doing. When you become an ops manager your goal each day is to make sure the morale of your project is so low that everyone is looking on the web for a new job.

"Wow our Ops manager at convergys is a total bitch!!!"

"yeah but she's been here for like 10 plus years"

See incompetence, moron, retarded, hatelife


Piece of crap call center that hires pretty much anyone off the street. Your tech support? Normal idiots like you and me, who could fry your computer trying to fix it and then release your call like nothing happened and you won't be able to do anything about it.. because nobody cares. Call in and you may get the exciting opportunity to chat with one of the following:

a) Some teenage punk who doesn't care about you or your issue and will release you without a second thought and nothing will happen to him

b) 100s of lifetime members of the never touch a booby club (aka star wars geeks, hippie haired losers, people who wear suspenders) who still live with their parents

c) Someone you think is in India.. but it's.. they are in Canada, they just can't speak English very well (hey, when I'm East Indian.. and I still can't understand what they are saying.. that's a problem)

d) An old guy who's life is this job and will try overly hard to make sure your problem is fixed when you just want him to shut up and quit burrowing up your ass. Often these people want to make up for their failures in life by gluing their lips your ass for $10/hr.

"Hey, I heard you got a job at Convergys. Does you dignity get direct-deposited or do you have to pick it up?"

"Anyone who works at Convergys is lucky to have a job where people can't see their faces."

See call center, work, job


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