Coo-coo Kachoo

What is Coo-coo Kachoo?


Well wouldn't you know it.

Coo, coo, kachoo, Mrs. Robinson/Jesus loves you more than you will know

-Simon and Garfunkel.

See Paul Simon


It means sot of "and next thing you know..." he has a few drinks and coo-coo kachoo he wakes up with a 400lb midget...


Ya' know..

I am the walrus. Coo-coo kachoo!

See Schmuck


it means it's cool, alright, or okay.

it's coo-coo kachoo

See coo-coo kachoo, cool, alright, okay, coozie


I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob

Stupid bloody Tuesday

See Gumba Gumba


a phrase that will later in life be added to our nation's name

the u.s. coo-coo kachoo


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