Cookie Cutter

What is Cookie Cutter?


The term cookie cutter is used to describe anything that is mass produced quickly and of low quality. See cheezy.

95Q FM plays only cookie cutter remixes.

My friends RCA stereo is cookie cutter equipment.

The Yugo was a cookie cutter car.


Predictable, Recycled, Not unique.

She does not have her own style, she is cookie cutter.

That movie was so cookie cutter, nothing surprised me.

See unique, quirky, different, individual


Tanorexic gay man. Unoriginal, may include but not limited to, spikey, often high-lighted hair, fake blue contact lenses, wearing "Name brand" mall shit (Hollister A&F and ESPECIALLY the crappy Buckle garbage), orange skin tone, and really bad personalities, and are generally plagued with seriously obese, ugly-as-sin fag-hags who are usually in love with them.

Lesbian Chip Monk is such a cookie cutter, with all of those awful fat girls and the wafting stench of Abercrombie & Fitch cologne.

See gay, fag hag, lame


Diablo 2 Lord of DestructionBattle user term that indicates overpowered character(s) (build of class) that easily dominate in PvMand in PvPand (therefore) are massively common.

Bowazon: Duh , I'm sick of those cookie cutter decrepifying Bonemancers and Infinity Nova Sorceresses! :(

Hybsin: Nuh , I have little problems with them - I usually crush them hard!

See battle, blizzard, imba, nerf, straight, pvm, pvp, win, loss, life, death


noun. This is a name for a very nice ass, particularly that of a female. A good one is called this when it has a good shape and nice firmness, hence why it is called a cookie cutter.

Wow, that Anna sure does have a good cookie cutter on her. Yeah, she must work out.

See butt, rump, ass, firm, female


girls at every popular bar, everywhere, that all look, act, and speak in the same way.

after walking into any bar and looking around:

goddamn, look at all these fucking cookie cutters!

See hoochies, britneys


1. One who cuts cookies.

2. One who has the appearance, walk, or talk of a homosexual, although, they may not be.

3. A male child who looks like he will probably turn out to be gay, according to his actions and interests.

Larry's kid from "I know pronounce you Chuck and Larry" is a cookie cutter.

See gay, homosexual, fag, faggot, pillowbiter


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