Cool Guy

What is Cool Guy?


n. anyone who may make sport of another for no good reason

n. anyone who does something obviously ill-advised but who think otherwise of the action

n. anyone who deliberatly acts in a manner not befitting of his social status in order to "climb the social ladder"

"Gee, Will, I sure like your dumb-looking hair today."

"Oh really, John Powell, do you not like my hair today? Cool guy, right here (pointing to John Powell)."

"Yeah, so Mr. Davis was like, 'John Powell, you better finish your God-d*mn quiz', so I was like, 'F*** you, Davis! I'm not finishing my God-d*mn quiz!'"

"Oh really, John Powell? Were you like 'f*** you, Davis', is that what you were like? Cool guy, right here (pointing to John Powell)."

"Yeah so I saw Billy hanging out with Scotty D the other day at Drugstore University. What the hell is he thinking; he's such a cool guy."

See August


It Speaks for Itself.

Craig came back from California and now he's cool guy.

See rad, cool, guy, cocky, biatch


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