What is Corked?
a trick that is off axis but not inverted mainly refering to skiing or snowboarding.
damn, that was a dope corked 9.
A wine that is flawed due to a damaged or broken cork, thus failing to preserve the wine over time.
A proper phrase to say when indicating that a wine is defected would be "pardon me, I do believe this wine is flawed". However, a slang phrase of a similar meaning would be "yo, this shit is corked!"
Angry, mad, or upset
possibly softball related
We lost the game and I'm wicked corked!
Bottled wine contaminated with TCA (2,4,6-Trichloroanisole). Wine contaminated with TCA has a very specific moldy smell which can overpower the wine's usual aroma. Most commonly, TCA is produced when naturally occurring fungi come in to contact with not so naturally occurring chlorophenols in the cork used to bottle the wine.
The Cork Oak tree may have ingested the chlorophenols and stuffed them in its bark, or they can get in when the finished cork is sterilized with bleach.
Waiter, this wine is corked.
When someone get's messed with either phisically or emotionally in a humerous way that does not harm or insult the person that was "corked".
Person One: Dude, He got corked by that kid over there.
Person Two: Oh man, by who!?
Person One: By Chris Smith, he tried to make fun of him but couldn't.