
What is Corno?


Corno means "horn" in English.

It's a Brazilian expression for some man who has been cheated by his wife or girlfriend.

This came from a legend where the betrayed man started to feel pain in his forehead, where the horns (cornos) shoud came off.

Dor-de-Corno (Pain-of-the-horned) is when the corno takes an atitude when realizes it's condition: get drunk, vengance (sometimes hurting/killing his girlfriend or her lover), etc.

These reactions lead to the subdivisions of a corno: corno manso (the one who doesn't care about his condition), corno raivoso (the angry one), etc.

Also, there are some smiles for cornos:

}:) - happy corno

}:( - sad corno

}:O - surprised corno

}:B - idiot corno

}:S - confuzed corno

}:X - mouth-shutted corno

]:* - kissing corno


The feminine of corno is corna.

The more someone cheats his partner, the more cornos (horns) he has in his head.

Finally, corno can be many things: substantive - the horn "He has cornos (horns)."

adjetive - "Hey, you are a corno (horned.)!"

verb - "You wife corneou (cheated) you!"

"A Maria é uma vadia, portanto João, o namorado dela, é um corno."

"Mary is a bitch, so João, her boyfriend, is a corno."

"Ih, o Zé está com a maior dor-de-corno... acho que ele vai bater na namorada"

"Jeez, Zé has got a lot of dor-de-corno... I think he's going to punch his girlfriend"

"H.C. é uma corna! Seu marido foi pego comendo sua secretária!"

"H.C. is a corna! Her husband was caught fucking his secretary!"

"O Fernando arranha o teto com seus chifres, ahahah"

"Fernando scratches the ceiling with his horns, ahahah"

"Carlos, não é difícil você sustentar a cabeça com esse tanto de chifre na sua cabeça?"

"Carlos, isn't hard to hold your head with so many horns in your head?

See cornudo, cornuto


A.K.A Cornography

The obsession of a man and his festish with corn. He is usually a farmer and enjoys looking at corn. He/she takes many pictures of this corn and is also a corn rights activist. He is usually a psycopath and got dumped after being found having an affair with the corn. He gets a kick out of watching cornboy channels and the corn show.

1. Dont you touch mah corno sucka

2. That corno is soooo sexy

2. And the winner of the father son picnic is: Peter Griffin and a stalk of corn. (geeze what a corno)


a porn movie that is sooo bad that you have to turn it off

aw man i thought this "chick sucks for cows" would be better but it's a corno

See porno, porn, funny, gay


a person who looks really attractive from a distance so you are blatantly ogling them with your tongue hanging out so that they notice you at the same time as they get close enough to realise that they are actually butt ugly

hey, look at that chick/guy over there.

hot or what?

corno! euugh!


Pornography in which a woman masturbatesusing vegetables.

Horny Dude 1:Check out this hot corno!

Horny Dude 2:Oh Shit, She's shoving that whole pickle in her tight pussy!

See cornography, porn, porno, veggies, vegetables, masturbate, masturbation, sex, sexy, sexual, hoe, pussy, pornography


Collective noun for Meerkcats.

Wow! Check out the Corno in the dumpster!


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