Corporate America

What is Corporate America?


Term used to direct the blame of something bad somewhere else

"The vending machine is out of blueberry Pop-Tarts!"

"Corporate America!"

"I got an F on the test."

"Corporate America, I'm telling you..."

See blame, corporate, america


Quanta's debut album, and a song by the same name. The album attacks capitalism and Mr. Bush, along with corporate America (no surprise there), the electoral college, and the two-party system. Also attacks the many dumb Americans who don't question authority and those who believe everything they hear. Songs range from hillarious (Salute, Oxymoron, Letters, Doodle) to serious (Corporate America, American Dream My Ass, Last One Picked)to sad (Dream Come False, Falling Down, Last One Picked is sad too.) The album has good songs to listen to no matter what mood you're in.

This is America

Corporate America

The place where only the rich count

This is fucking America

Yeah fuck America

Why do they get to be paramount?


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