Crab 360

What is Crab 360?


A technique used in the game of CoD 4 and CoD WaW in order to enhance a player's rotational capabilities by completing a full 360 degree interval before the player reaches the ground and fires his or her (Silent Sharpie) gun. In retrospect, the technique is performed by placing your fingers on the controller and cradling it in such a fashion that your hands hold the resemblance of a crab's claws.

P.S. Shake N Bake rx is the founder... not VzR Insanity (he's lying i swear, don't listen to him!)

OMG I R 1337 WIT MAH CRAB 360 BITCH!!!!!!!1

See shake, n, bake, founded, this, not, insanity, crab, 360


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