Crack A C

What is Crack A C?


When one cracks a C, they are opening a canned soda. It refers to the "crack" sound made by the can. Pretty funny. C stands for Cola too, incase you're wondering.

Joey: Im tired, better crack a C

Kyle: OMG, this kid just cracked a C at 5:00 A.M.

Will: OMG, 5 AM C's are a bad idea.

Joey: Josh cracks C's all the time, he doesn't sleep.

See coke, cola, pepsi, pop, coca cola


When one cracks a C, they are opening a Coke or Pepsi. The C can stand for either coke or can.

Joey: I'm tired, better crack a c.

Will: You crazy bitch? It's 4:30 A.M.!

Kyle: OMG, kid just cracked a C

See coke, pepsi, crackin, open, crack


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