Crack Converters

What is Crack Converters?


Crack Converters is the street name by which the establishment called "Cash Converters" is known. This is due to the fact that when a crack head has woggedelectrical goods from your house he/she takes them to Crack Converters. Its an establishment doing crackheads and people on the dole a good turn.

Come on now we've both got our giro cheques from the dole office we can go down Crack Converters and score them Technics decks we saw Scaggy Pete with the other day.

See crack, cash, scally, wogged, wog


Crack Converters is the street name by which the establishment called "Cash Converters" is known. This is due to the fact that when a crack head has woggedelectrical goods from your house he/she takes them to Crack Converters. Its an establishment doing crackheads and people on the dole a good turn.

Come on now we've both got our giro cheques from the dole office we can go down Crack Converters and score them Technics decks we saw Scaggy Pete with the other day.

See crack, cash, scally, wogged, wog


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