Crafty Butcher

What is Crafty Butcher?


A male homosexual - one who likes to take his meat around the back.

"A fayre visaged manne was in the partee,

Lipsed of voyse, and limpe of wriste eek.

Ful wynsomme a crafty butcher was he,

We played heide thee sausage and I could not sitte downe for a weeke."

- Geoffrey Chaucer, Prologue to the Canterbury Tales



A Homosexual, Mostly refering to Male homosexuality;

One who likes to have his meat taken around the back

Where would you like this meat put?

Round the back please, that's where I like it best

Oh I see you're a Crafty Butcher, can you open up then, I can't get in

See gay, fag, homosexual, faggot, tom cruise


Homosexual male.

I can't take credit for this one I read it in an English comic book Raz or something but I thought I should share.

Bill:See that guy?


Bill:Well I know he's a crafty butcher.

Ted:How's that go?

Bill:He likes his meat around the back.

Ted:Oh, He's lish?

Bill:C'mon, you didn't know?


angling the meat towards the back chute

bum love


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