
What is Craprica?


Craprica is a contemptuous reference to the future TV series ‘Caprica’, a prequel to the canceled sci-fi TV series ‘Battlestar Galactica’. Discriminating science fiction fans expect the prequel to be canceled at the end of its first season.

The prequel is promoted as futuristic and delivering all of the passion, intrigue political backbiting, family conflict, etc. of ‘Battlestar Galactica’.

Disappointed, former fans of ‘Battlestar Galactica’, however, interpret the prequel’s promotions as doublespeak for a soap opera thinly disguised as a science fiction drama. These former fans expect the prequel to including all of the bad science, contrived shipper angst, nihilism, complete disregard for story continuity, and unresolved plot holes of the original show.

After watching what that douche ex machinist did to ‘Battlestar Galactica’, I wouldn’t waste my time watching Craprica.

See prequel, jumped the shark, nuked the fridge, suckage, battlestar galactica, television, decline, hack, tool, douche ex machinist, frakhead, fanboy, shipper, shipper angst, doublespeak


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