
What is Crawley?


The baddest, tuffest, ruffest part of South East England.

Horsham Boy 1: "Come on mate, lets go to Crawley tonight"

Horsham Boy 2: "No Way mate, you must be mad, i dont wanna get jacked (starts crying) Pleeeeasssse no, i really dont wanna go *sob, sob*, nooooooooooo!!!!!"

See ghetto, badlands, gansta, weed


A town in the South East of England, about 28 miles South of London. Known for being a total dive and full of chavs and lowlifes. Everything is pretty shit, from the hospital to the Fastway bus service. It's made up of loads of different neighbourhoods, some rougher than others. The supposedly 'best' school in the area has had cocaine and replica gun incidents in the past couple of years, which gives you an idea of what the rest of them are like. Everyone speaks with a chavvy mockney accent.

Let's go to Crawley to buy some hash.

See england, london, south, rough, chav, town, mockney


V, to aggressively and relentlessly pursue a love interest in a stalker like manner. It is important to note that said love interest is totally aware, and creeped out by the crawleying.

He met her at a bar and got her number, then crawleyed her for weeks by calling her every night

See stalk, creep, creeper, crawley


A town near gatwick in the uk...

Basicly the biggets shit hole youv ever been to and if its pikies that your looking for, wev got fucking hundreds.feel free to take a few home with if you ever decide to come here(not recomened)ooo and if getting mugged rocks ya boat wonder round broadfield or bewbush at well...anytime of the day really.We also have a place called langladesh(langlygreen)theres a hole load of pakis that live there so its always a good place to get a currie. However the shoping is good. for example if u went to broadfeild and asked a pensioner if she new were to get a hold of some charlie she would probably sell u some at a resonable price on the spot.

common said things:

"I fucking hate crwaley, theres to many pikies,pakis,gangsters and drug dealers.o and thats another thing theres to many racist people, it makes me sick!"

See bobadob


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