Cream Of Man

What is Cream Of Man?


its the soup that comes out of your cock warm and ready to serve 1-2 girls.

Ex 1:

Guy 1- Hey dude, hows latika?

Guy 2- Oh she's good, she was getting kind of hungry last night during sex so while she blew me I served her some of my homemade cream of man all over her face.

Guy 1- Can I have some?

Guy 2- "punches guy 1, walks away and tries to forget incident"

Ex 2-

Kid- When I was watching that Kayden Krossvideo on pornhub, I spilled a piping hot serving of cream of man all over my keyboard, I totally missed the tissue.

See porn, splooge, jizz, jizzum, man chowder, condom filling, etc.


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