What is Creeker?
A being superior to others financially, socially, and intellectually. Attends Cherry Creek High School, and makes six figures look like pocket change.
Man I wish I was a creeker, then I could be better than everyone.
A smart beautiful person who has talents in sports and just about everything else and flaunts their "creek mystique". Everybody pretty much hates them.
Damn it, those creekers won the football game again.
A snobby brat who gets whatever they want. You can find a Creeker, at the mall blowing daddies money or driving around in their new Lexus, or throwing major parties at their multi-million dollar estates.
Uhh everyone at Cherry Creek High School
An amazing person that attends Cherry Creek High School. Creekers are usually thought to be ridiculously rich kids who get everything they want, this however this is not true. We just get mostly everything we want. We think its funny that other schools have creek days and dress in country club attire. We're sorry we're so good at sports. And we're sorry we almost always win.
Be jealous
Those creekers are unbeatable at tennis, we're all jealous of the creekers
Dirty, trailer park people. Ususally the guys have mullets and the girls have pink finger nails and blonde hair with black roots. They are generally seen with babies in diapers with dirty feet and faces following them around. They are found in Tampa, Florida. They like to shop at Wal Mart and the flea market. May possibly hang out at 7-11 with bare feet.
That creeker bought her wedding dress at the Wal Mart!!
generally refers to someone of appalachian descent who lives below the poverty line alongside a stream or creek in rural west virginia
Hey Shane, you wanna hang out with Joe-Bob?
Naw, he's a creeker mooch.
A term used in Montana to describe a hillbilly.
Them creekers burnt down their trailer when the barbecue tipped over on the carpet.