
What is Crochet?


something slut buckets do to pass their miserable, pointless hours. a time-consuming, life-wasting endeavor. often passed off as a "creative" activity. boring, stupid, kill yourself right now. (i'm kidding)

1. No, I'm sorry, I can't go to the Bob Dylan concert with you because I've gotta stay home and crochet. I'm way behind.

2. Dude, where's my crochet hook?

3. Get yo' bitch ass off da phone and back to crochetin'!

4. Oh my God, I didn't know Michael Stipe was gay. I'm gonna go home and crochet.

5. My grandmother sits outside the Cracker Barrel and crochets and yells at kids and she hates them because they're young and she remembers when she was young and how much more interesting her life was back then.


1) Directionless meandering; to walk or otherwise transport about without destination.

Every day between 3 and 4 PM one can spot Mitch crocheting about campus.

See meander, bullshit, loiter, vomit, kermit, munson


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