
What is Croob?


A Cruel/Crooked Noob on an Online game, Which (Usually) won't share what little he has and is usually disliked.

Guy - Mate you have any Gold Coins to Spare?

Croob - No! Get Lost!

Guy - Aww.. Man, your such a croob.


A person that gets a game on Christmas, even though the game has been out a month or so before Christmas, and is a noob.

Me: "I was playing Call of Duty 5 on Christmas Day and went 45-0 on Team Death."

Antonio: "Gotta love Croobs."

See call of duty 5, noob, stupid, christmas


crazy ass noob. One who exhibits buckwild qualities of enthusiasm and outlandish behavior, while remaining inexperienced to the world.

Jenn: Me croob.

See noob, turd, dil, ard, dickwad


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