
What is Crookabanger?


n. (pronounced "croo-ka-BANG-er") A term originating in the Bay Area that refers to any female who performs sexual favors for multiple members of a group or crew.

On the remix to the hyphy track "Super Sic Wid it", Mistah F.A.B. gets explicit rapping, "Searchin' for a ripper or runner or crookabanger/What's a crookabanger? Your whole crew can bang'er."

See whore, california, bay area, sex


Name for a girl, when your whole crew can bang her

Ayo playa, that crookabanger was da bomb last night

See whore, ho, crew, crook, banger


Your whole crew can bang her

We were just chillin lookin for a crookabanger so we could all have a good time

See whore, slut, sex, orgy, fuck


Your whole crew can bang'er

We were just chillin lookin for a crookabanger so we could have some fun

See sex, porn, slut, whore, orgy


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