
What is Crops?


A privately owned marijuana garden.

The authorities want to burn my crops down.


ones homegrown cannabis plants

yo bredrin de feds came las night tryin 2 tax up ma crops


The children of a hillbilly farmer whose actual produce failed during the year. He takes them to fairs to enter into contests instead of actual food, though they don't taste nearly as well. They usually can succeed well if entered as yams or squash. Poor kids have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Jim Bob: Mah corns dinn't grow so wyell tis yar, so I took my two gyurls Wynona and Edbert to the fair! Hyuck. They won the squarsh contest!


Organic marajuana. Pesticides are not used on this type of marajuana. Also incorporated with the word "dig"

"Sup bruh you want me to dig you up some crops??"

"Nigga stop diggin' on my crops!!"

See weed, pot, marajuana, dro, trees, green, crop, dig, dug, digging


vegatble garden vs. a flower garden

Jimbo: Haney, air ye growin' any 'maters this year in yer backgyard?

Haney: Nope. No crops. Wife's growin' flares this year.

Jimbo: Alright then.


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