
What is Crucifixation?


The tendency of some orthodox Christians to fixate not on the teachings of Jesus, but on the way he was killed. Prevelant during the dark ages, and more recently in the Mel Gibson movie "Passion of the Christ".

While Jesus preached forgiveness and tolerance, Mel Gibson blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus. Now that's some serious crucifixation.

See jesus, christian, crucifix, crucifixion, cross


A state of mental duress, usually inside a fundamentalist

Christian brain, that admires blood, guts, suffering, agony, drinking blood of God and eating His body, and usually wishes to be crucified and martyred him or herself

After watching Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ I suffered crucifixation and nailed myself to my neighbor's fence.

See fundamentalist, jesus, christian, martyr, mental illness


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