
What is Crustianity?


Crustianity is the original name for the religion that is now known as Christianity. As they are now, the Crustianity clergy of the time were all called Ninjas. Even though the Ninjas are a very moral and loving people, some corruption began in the church. A few powerful, yet mentally deranged members of the church were caught molesting young boys. These child molesters wanted to keep this a secret to continue these disgusting acts, but the Ninja council discovered their plan and banned them from Crustianity forever. Soon after their excommunication from the noble church, these men started their own church. They used the already established stories of Jeebus Crust and Crustianity to form a new religion. They changed the holy name of Jeebus Crust to Jesus Christ and created their child molesting religion of Christianity, where the clergy could continue to molest young boys in secret.

Crustianity is just as ridiculous as your religion.

See jeebus, crustianity, gosh, santa, tooth fairy, easter bunny, jesus, god, heck, heaven, Jeebus Crust


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