
What is Cruton?


A delicious block of flavour that you may put into salads.

I love crutons because they make me feel closer to our savior, Jesus Christ.

See pianosaurus


noun. (croo'-tun) Alternate name for Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), a planetoid composed of ice and frozen space cement: possibly a corruption of the words "Tons of Crud" combined with assonance on "Pluto". See Plutondefinition 2.

Clyde Tombaugh discovered the first of the Crutons at Lowell Observatory in 1930. It was named named Pluto, a planet, though it fell short of being the more massive Planet X he sought.

See crouton, pluton, xena


The caressing of genitalia outside of clothing.

He crutoned me.

See genitals, sex, salad, cruton, bread, vagina, touch, caress, prostitution


Someone whose eyes twitch when you mention the word potato.

Dude. Jackie's a cruton.

See Dude


Slang for a person whom exhibits the extreme personality traits of a tool, perhaps a jigsaw.

"Ken, is such a Cruton!!!"


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