What is Cuban Cigar?
1. the finest of cigars produced in the land of Fidel Castro.
2. the sexually perverse act of placing plastic wrap over a person's open mouth and proceeding to defecate into the plastic wrap. The poop slides into the person's mouth with the aid of the plastic and provides a satisfying cigar like treat at 98.6 degrees.
On a cold winter night after a fine meal of red beans and rice and a cup of Joe, Mary often asks John to light up the fire place and treat her to a Cuban cigar for desert.
When a male lights his pubic hiar on fire and a male/female proceeds to suck his burning pube cock.
Fidel Castro did the cuban cigar with Anna Nicole Smith.
A sex position in which one person wraps another person up in a carpet and lights the carpet on fire.
Harold: Hey, you wanna do the cuban cigar?
Tara: Never heard of it.
Harold: Oh it's so sexy. I wrap you up in a carpet and light you on fire
When you take a nice stinky poo in someone's pillowcase, then proceed to swing it around and hit them in the face with it.
"Dude, G-Reg totally just slammed Jerzey in the face with a cuban cigar!"
"Haha man, that sucks for Jerzey."