What is Culver?
Abbreviation of Culver Square. Place To Hang Out, Great Tourist Destination, Great Place To Go On Holiday Too, Very Cheap, Own Water Feature, Cool People Dancing 'Restraunts' Within Walking Distance And You Find The Coolest People In The World There...Eg. Elise Eve Jessie And Co. Culver is the place where you may find the emos and grebos of the world. Very occasionally you will find the odd chav.
Shall we go to Culver?
Generally a last name, Culver means dove. This can be taken to mean that the person bears some sort of resemblance to a dove, such as mildness of temper. This holds true most of the time, but if you get a Culver mad, there will be hell to pay.
"Who's that?"
"She's a Culver."