
What is Cwp?


Acronym for Concealed Weapons Permit.

"The cops came, and I was packin' heat, yo."

"Oh, snap, son. Did they take you down?"

"Nah. I renewed my CWP last moth, cuz."

See weapons, guns, awesomeness, libertarianism, nra, busted


C stands for Crazy, W stands for White, and P stands for people.... This is a video that involves crazy stunts and all sorts of shit


See Godfather


Comes from the pseudonym of Carnie Wilsons Pussy, can be use'd as a derogtory term.

you < CWP, CWP pwns you... you eat cwp


Acronym for the former fat ass Carnie Wilson's Pussy.

Has it's origins in a Playboy spread she did in which she stated her excitement at being able to see her own vagina.

Uses: Colorful way to call someone fat, ugly, repulsive, stupid, or any other creative combination of the above.

Your mom's genitals smell like CWP.

Yo, I'm hungry. I'm bout to eat this happy meal like CWP!!


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