Cyber Slut

What is Cyber Slut?


A person who will act openly sexual on the internet, yet in real life will act prudent and contained.

She sent me some hot pics last night, but won't do shit in real life; she is such a cyber slut.

See giga slut, slut, uber slut


A woman who uses the internet to seduce many men.

"Use a rubber when you fuck those cyber sluts"


A man or women who is a slut but not just a regular slut. A cyber slut. She like to cyber with multiple people durring the same day.

Man 1Damn, She is such a cyber slut.

man 2?????

man 1She cybered with me earlier. And now she want's to cyber with you.

man 2Oh. What a cyber slut.

man 3Damnit. I cybered with her earlier too.

See cyber, slut, whore, internet, cyber slut


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