
What is Danni?


a name for a really cool girl

"Hey did you hear about Danni?"

"Yea i heard shes the sickest person ever"

See danni, cool, sick, nasty, hxc, hardcore


Vacous, co-dependent end-product of neo-lib education system, often sighted spewing CCF or regurgitating her dominatrix/professor's opinions on drudge.

Like congress isn't controlled by the Republicans and like George Bush didn't sign the bill. You are such a fooking lunatic. -Danni


Vacous, co-dependent product of the liberal "education " system. Often sighted spewing her professor's/dominatrix's LPODrhetoric verbatim, like the good little sponge she is, on Drudge.

See also: CCF.

"Like congress isn't controlled by the Republicans and like George Bush didn't sign the bill. You are such a fucking lunatic." - Danni


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