Date Rape Psychosis

What is Date Rape Psychosis?


Disease to get out of school, involves being raped then going psychotic.

Date rape psychosis is a fictional disease mentioned in the Towelie episode of South Park.

The term was coined by one of the characters, Eric Cartman. The young boys had just gotten a new game console (an Ocama GameSphere) from Stan's mother as a bribe for dropping the subject of a very feminine, personal issue. While the boys were obsessively playing the game, Kyle's mother called him at Stan's house and told him to go to school. Kyle responded (still mostly playing the video game) that he couldn't because he had to help out Stan, as he was not feeling very well. His mother asked him what was wrong with Stan and that's when Cartman told Kyle "date rape psychosis" (on request), so Kyle repeated this to his mom as "Date rape something," who respectfully honoured her young son's excuse.

See date, rape, psychosis


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