What is Dcf?
A state run program that, despite it's official charter of protecting children, protects abusive women.
They openly discriminate against fathers and have probably killed more children they've "claimed" to have helped.
Their formula is simple:
Mommy= Innocent victim who always tells the truth.
Daddy= Evil person who always lies.
Child= Insignificant.
Steve: Hey Bob, what happened when you called DCF about your ex-wife dying cigarettes out on your daughter?
Bob: They said, over and over, that I wasn't mandated to make a referral. Then they said I was a jealous ex-husband and everything in her home was "appropriate". I had to bring her back to her mother. They also said I shouldn't have visitation rights.
DCF Sucks ASS! Known some places as
Hi, I'm DCF/HRS and I WANT your child!
Acronym: Dutch Clusteruck. Somewhat more fucked up version of a
We thought the situation was fucked before, now, it's a total DCF.
Dumb Country Fucker
She said she went to school with Troy Aikman, and would think he was cute if he wasn't such a DCF.
DCF; acronym Digital Cluster Fuck
His file management is for shit, what a dcf.