
What is Decay?


1. To rot: To decompose and become soft, crumbly, or liquefied, or make something do this.

2. To decline in quality gradually and steadily, or make something do this.

3. To undergo spontaneous disintegration.

4. To decrease gradually in magnitude.

5. To decrease gradually in altitude.

1. The corpse is in an advanced decay.

2. Because they kept mixing their coke with sugar, the quality decayed.

3. The fosfor decayed.

4. Refers to a physical quantity or effect.

5. When in space, a satellite starts descending, orbit decays.

See decay, rot, decompose, crumbly, decline, disintegration, altitude, orbit



1 : a gradual decline in strength, soundness, or prosperity or in degree of excellence or perfection

2 : a wasting or wearing away : RUIN, ROT


1 : to decline from a sound or prosperous condition

3 : to fall into ruin


1 : One of my nicknames; brought on from the phonetic spelling of my initials, DK.


The outer walls of the house had been overcome by decay.


The decaying tree stump was removed from our backyard.


"Hi. I'm Decay :)"

See Toxi


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