Dhimmi Carter

What is Dhimmi Carter?


Insulting nickname for former President Carter, substituting Dhimmi for Jimmy. He earned the nickname by allowing Islamic fundamentalism to gain ascendancy during his watch (in Iran in 1979) and for not seeing through the lies of Arafat during the Arab-Israeli negotiations that led to Carter getting the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thanks to Dhimmi Carter, Iranian President AMadJihad has the means and willingness to start World War III as the fulfillment of some psychotic Shiite prophecy.

Dhimmi was the worst President in U.S. history (which is really saying something when you consider that we had FDR, Woodrow Wilson and Bill Clinton just in the 20th century).

See dhimmi, dhimmitude, mad mullahs, islamofascist, caliphate, ropma


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