What is Dickin?
1.When someone is basically dick riding on somebody.
2.When someone is trippin.
"Yo why the hell iz u dickin."
"Yo they iz really dickin off the bull."
dickin is heinous word thats not real. it is often used as a verb to descibe a night of various activities that wouldn't be entertaining to anyone else but you and your friends. may also be used as an adjective to describe something that is chill. (adj. may be substituted with ballin)
"yo girl wat you doin tonight?"
"you know i be dickin around"
When somebody is trying to say something about you, trying to play you for no reason. Made popular by the niggas of Hart Co. Kentucky
damn you dickin me!
aww you dickin me
Dick city!
Doing sexual things but with no actual sex, no kissing, and clothes on. Basically a lot of touching and heavy breathing. Kind of like dry humping but with the whole body.
No, we weren't cuddling, we were dickin.
I love dickin.
I need to finish myself off if I'm dickin for too long.
When somethin's so shimmy shao that you just wanna stick yo DICK in it
"Yo I just haxx0r3d Weeds! DICKIN!!"
"Aw man this chili dog is DICKIN! This is some DICKIN Frank's Red Hot!"