What is Diddler?
One who thinks sexually unlawful things about children. Derived from "kiddy diddler". One doesn't actually have to touch a child to be a diddler. Anyone who promotes, is involved in, or looks at child pornography, can be considered a diddler. Goof-diddler is a stronger variation of diddler. it suggests that the person being called it (a diddler of high recogizance) went to prison for diddling. Fuckin' diddlers. Diddlers make you feel guilty for having a girlfriend younger than you because of the unsettleness in society, having heard too many stories of diddlers being put behind bars.
These fuckin' goof-diddlers are giving our city such a bad name. The diddler vibes pulsating from them are so strong, I feel felonious taking my girlfriend, who is 3 years younger than me, out in public, as I, myself, feel the adamant eyes of fellow citizens around me indubitably convicting me of the loathesome act that is goof-diddlitry.
Prison Jargon. A child molester.
Michael Jackson diddles little boys.
a child molester. derived from "kiddy diddler". one doesn't actually have to touch a child to be a diddler. anyone who promotes, is involved in, or looks at child porn especially on a school computer, and then gets caught and suspended for it, but doesn't get the clue, and then gets busted twice by the police for possesion of child pornography on their home computer can be considered a diddler.
matt cohen is such a diddler
The sphinx of pedophiles.
"Answer me these questions three. Question the first: Will I diddle you? Questions two and three: refer to question one."
-The Diddler
A Pedophile, Someone who has an attraction to little children.
"That man in a burgandy sweater is a diddler!"
see R. kelly, he is a diddler who enjoys fuckin lil people...and pissing on them.
look at that r kelly what a fuckin pedaphile....i sure aint gunna let him near my kids.
A diddler is a man who enjoys sticking foreign objects in his ass for fun, such as bottles, baseball bats, his own penis, etc...
I can't believe that guy diddled that 40oz bottle.
Ex. see- diddlers