
What is Diversity?


An old, old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era to deliver large supplies of puréed walnuts from the South to the North. The walnuts were used as a replacement for toilet paper, due to the wartime shortage. Despite the volitile relationship between the two countries at the time, the North figured that it was more important to have a clean ass than to place an embargo on the South's nut shipments. The South figured,"Hell, we need the money".

There have been complaints from the authorities about a lack of diversity in the News Room.


A liberaleuphemism used to justify hiring people who lack the skill and experience to do a job or task, because they are members of a group favored by liberals. White males, Christians, rural people, NASCAR fans, and people with strong moral standards are excluded from consideration.

Note that all white males who claim to support diversity already have very good jobs and two incomes, so they can afford to act like they believe in the diverse workplace.

Liberals proclaim that diversity is more important than experience or talent. It is far more important that your programming staff includes a moslem, a hindu, a bull dyke, a corn holing faggot, three other women, and a quadraplegic Polynesian person, than eight geeks who know how to code.


According to Wal-Mart it means appointing people based on sex and race without qualifications. This holds true only if the applicant is female and/or black.

Another word used for discrimination in todays culture.

We are promoting diversity in our company!

We are only looking for females and blacks.

Diversity means that a standard has been lowered


An old, old wooden ship from the civil war era.

brian fantana: what in the hell'z diversity?

ron burgundy: I could be wrong, but i believe that diversity is an old, old wooden ship from the civil war era.


A bigotted policy that is over-emphasized to an incredibly irritating level. It is also used in the name of tolerance and progress, but it in fact happens to hold certain people down until people of a particular group gets things first. In addition, certain minorities are also left out in so-called "Diversity Week" celebrations, especially those with mental disabilities and Native Americans.

I don't like bullsh....I mean "Diversity Week". It leaves a lot of people out and I would rather deface it than embrace it.

Editors: Don't delete this just because you don't like what you read.

See bullshit, liberal, tolerance, hypocrite, irritating, native american, Radical Republican


(Cultural) Originally, diversity of ideas and viewpoints were recognized as important to many different endeavors such as learning and decision-making - the idea being that the over time the best ideas and/or viewpoints would win out in fair competition. Unfortunately, once this concept was generally embraced as a good thing, it was subsequently perverted and has become a euphemism for quota preferences given to politically favored minority groups in such areas as hiring, promotion, granting of federal contracts and admission into educational systems.

Genuine diversity would imply that someone from Greenland or New Zealand would be a welcome addition to increase the diversity of a university culture. Instead, administrators believe their university somehow becomes more diverse by adding one more black from down the road, increasing black % enrollment from 7.23% to 7.24%. Odd how administrators never seem to notice that blacks don't really contribute to diversity anyway since blacks usually restrict their company to that of other blacks in the student union, classroom, fraternity, university clubs, etc.

See quotas


A word use by blacks and Mexicans to justify the need for hiring their own even when qualifications are not met. Their reasoning is that diversity is more important than quality. The reason they have not been financially successful in this free country is because of their race, ignoring their own kind that are educated and hardworking who are successful, ignoring other races like Asians who come to the U.S. not knowing the language or culture yet manage to build successful business through hard work. Whites use this word to keep from being called a racist. The word/meaning will continue to grow for the next 100 years until the minorities are the majority and there are still successful anglo-built businesses to bring down.

Our company will focus on diversity for all of our new hires (i.e. discriminate against anglos).


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