What is Dogfighter?
Another term for African-American Urban Male.
We be all rollin' in da hood headed fo de pit, 'cuz we be dogfighters, yo.
Michael Vick is a dogfighter.
1. One who intentionally fucks dogs, can be mistaken for one who fights enemies in air combat : True Definition: A child who begs for animals preferabley dogs from their parents, until they lure the innocent victim into a backroom, where he then sadomizes the animal until its internal organs bleed from a gaping penis pressed into the animals rectum.
2. Dogfighter, one who fights the dog until he has its way with them, and is the lowest fuckin scum on earth when reached rock bottom. Prefers to practice using "Wang-Bang" Balls before he crunches the dogs nuts in his hand, performing a manual nueder to the dog, causing its sperm never to be emmitted from its nuts again...usually these animals have water filled into their nutsacks and pretend their soft waterballoons to comfort the penis.
1. Dogfighter will DO that dog tonight
2. That animal got dogfit last night while being lured into his bedroom
3. I feel bad for that dog, he must have had a good dogfight until he bled through his anus to death