What is Doms?
Short form for: Delayed Onset Of Muscle Soreness
When we work out at the gym well enough to tear the tiny fibres in our muscles (which is the overall intention: when the the micro fibres in our muscles get rippd from pushing our limits in the work out, our muscles feel pain about 24-48 hours later, lasting for about 48-72 hours. basically our muscles are goin like "wtf did he just do to me? i better get bigger so this doesn't happen to me again!" which ofcourse it dus, because we increase the weight in the next workout and go even harder.. and the cycle goes on..)
Guy 1: hey man i got some serious DOMS tday from yesterdays workout!
Guy 2: good job bro! keep up the good work! just remember to let your muscles heal completely before you go to the gym again!
doms are not dominoes there condoms, whoever wrote that over definition is absolute superficial crass! there obviously not getting no fisting action, i feel sorry for their lack of fistworthiness, yess i confess i was the second gunman on the grassy nole, live by the protocol die by the mowl bowl!
your not very good with the ladies aren't you trebek!
Stands for Dirty Old Man Syndrome. Is used to help justify ogling of younger women.
Did you see the new marketing intern in the low cut shirt? My DOMS was out of control; I just couldn't look away!
cigars or stogies, preferably honeytimes
doms, hey sean.. lets haaavvveeee a dom lol gage
Short for 'Dominos', a game played with a set of 28 small plastic blocks, each divided into halves, each half behind marked by a dot or blank.
Yo, wanna run some doms?
Let's play some doms, none of that spinners crap though.