What is Dooze?
Originally dominic, but anyone who drinks booze (or any kinda of beverage) converts it into dooze, due to becoming infectious with mouth herpies
1. don't drink that its dooze
2. oh man, he just doozed my drink
Marijuana. Used as a noun and a verb. The verb means "to smoke marijuana." Derived from the rhyme "booze and dooze" to succinctly describe an evening of alcohol and marijuana consumption.
Dooze that dooze, dude.
short for doozy. plural: doozes
something that is intense
Verb. The act of insufflating (sniffing, snorting) various kinds of crushed or powdered narcotics in "line" form. Drugs like cocaine are a more common dooze, but other kinds of dooze do exist (oxycontin, ecstasy, ketamine are all doozable). Usually, the tools of the dooze include but are not limited to, a bill or straw for "doozing", and a mirror or cd case for crushing or "chopping" (or otherwise preparing the dooze)
This word was created by teenagers who enjoy doozing in niagara falls canada. The word was originally created so no one would know what we were talking about, and eventually started being used by the whole city. Ask around, you might find out who started it.
I have not doozed all day. Lets dooze a rip. You think we could crush and dooze that thing?
Slang term for defecation or taking a shit.
"I took the biggest dooze earlier". or "I gotta go dooze".