
What is Dougar?


A D-list cougar; typically exemplified by unbecoming characteristics such as acne, weight problems, or a huge ass.Dougars tend to deny their dougar status.

"Holy shit, look at that fugly dougar."

See cougar, milf, ugly, duck, trump


A dumb cougar; the cross between a cougar and a complete idiot.

I asked that dougar where she's from and it took her at least 25 seconds to respond.

I asked that dougar if she wanted a tequilla shot and she said that she doesn't like needles.

See cougar, girl, milf, woman


imagine a cross between a duck and a cougar then put it on somebody's face. Its like when your somewhere and see somebody and you stop whatever your doing and say

"did i just.......

what is that .....

what happened...... o my god!!!"

and you know u just got to take another look

that dougar over there must have gotten punched in the face or somethin, cause DAMN thats ugly.

See ugly, trump, duck, cougar, douger, face


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