
What is Doylestown?


People think it's a small town with a bunch of rich kids and big houses...but there is so much more. In Doylestown, Middle School parties get busted by the cops. In Doylestown, drunk is the common language. You'll find a drug dealer on every corner of the town, and it's not unusal to find kids driving around and smoking in their brand new Escalade that they got for their 16th birthday from "mommy and daddy." We hang out in houses bigger than castles and steal our parents alcohol. We also have an extensive list of MIWF's("hott moms"). We bake out our garages when our parents are vacationing in Aruba (staying in a 5 star resort of course). Our private school-ers are way more corrupt than the public school-ers and we live for sports. We live for play-offs and paint our faces for middle-school basketball games. So next time you hear "doylestown is so boring," just look past the historical monuments and focus on the pregnant 16 year old driving a red BMW convertable. PEACE

"Wanna come bake out my new mini-cooper?"

"i wanna bake out your new mini-cooper WITH YOUR MOM!"


doylestown, falsely advertised as the ideal place where your kids can grow up, yeah, if they want to learn the art of strip poker, beer pong, and who can pack the bowl the fastest. fake i.d.'s?? doylestownies prefer snooping around in our parents licker cabinet while they're sleeping upstairs. walking up and down the same street only to stop at Nat's, planet smoothie, or starbucks for a few hours is a hell of a good time and in doylestown, you're not cool until you roll down that window and call the random kid standing on the corner a fag. yes it's doylestown, yes they're rich and most likely drunk, and yes they are extremely bored (so call up that random kid in your 2nd period class and hook up behind a shady building while your friends stumble around looking for another beer.)

"wanna get drunk and make out?"


See ashley


Doylestown is a small town in Pennsylvania.

I live in Doylestown.


D-town is a haven. It's a nice small town that has the comforts of suburban lving as well as the excitement of a real town. The adults like to think that Doylestown, Lahaska, and New Hope make a trifecta of Bucks County poshness. The kids like to think that town and all of its crazy townies make us unique and charming in a way no outsiders could understand. Doylestown is a place where most people have money (but not all by any means) but no one really wants to fess up to it. And if they do, they're probably still in middle school. Doylestown is a place where, yeah, finding pot isn't that hard, but it's also a place where you can find amazingly intellectual people musing on a bench or stoop. It's a place where children (read: middle schoolers) infest the streets till about 10:30 in the summer, and then the high schoolers and grads just chill. Doylestown isn't extreme, it's whatever you make it. It's not a stereotype, it's a place with more opportunities than most lazy suburbs, and you should give it some love.

Just another night in Doylestown, "Hey, gimme a smoke, and let me tell you about the time I got chased by the cops."

See suburb, pot, charming, town


doylestown is a haven for rich kids. as much as you bitch about so-and-so's new convertible, you know that you got one just like it last month. everyone complains about how much they hate it and how they can't wait to get get out, but once you do you realize how great you had it there. in short, doylestown is the shit. let's hear it for smoothie's, ritas, and hanging out in parking lots. you know how we do.

the best place to grow up


Doylestown - a quiet suburb on the outside, an underworld of overprivilaged, strung out drunk middle school brats on the inside. Filled with useless teenieboppers, it is impossible to walk through Doylestown without getting approached by a teen with money their mother gave them - "Can you buy me cigarettes? I'll give you ten dollars for a pack." With starbucks as the gathering point, cigarette puffing teenagers are shuffled through the streets by toolbag cop "lingo".

Doylestown Girl: Can I bum a cig off you?

Me: How old are you? 12?

Girl: Actually I just turned 13.

See doylestown, townies, town, kids, lingo


Doylestown is a small town in PA. Its true that most people who live here are rich, but not everyone is. Yes you can find a drug dealer on some corners and maybe the kids go out and get drunk a lot, but kids do that in a lot of towns. Doylestown gets a bad rep because some douchebags have to go out, play ghetto, and try to be cool even though there just rich white kids. Sure, its true my parents gave me a car for my 16th birthday, and maybe it was a BMW, but that doesnt mean im a bad person or live in an awful town. Doylestown is a great place, its has lots of shops, is a very caring community with lots of nice people, and is the hub for the 2nd best school district in PA. Lots of people may be rich but that happens when a community is surrounded by the summer estates of rich New Yorkers. Doylestown is a great place, and its has its problems like and other town its size.

Doylestown is a lovely place to live if you can afford the expense

See doylestown, pa, small town, kids, good schools, expensive


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