
What is Dpl?


Donkey Punch and Leave

Whilst participating in vaginal or anal‘doggy style’ intercourse, during the instant before the male ejaculates, the male delivers a swift punch to the back of the female’s cranium. This results in the simultaneous contraction of the anal sphincter and various other muscles in the female, thus producing a tremendous sensation for the male. This almost always results in the female being knocked unconscious at which point the male leaves. resulting in the female waking up wondering what happened.

I was taking Kelly from behind and I pulled a DPL so I wouldn't have to spend the night.

See donkey, punch, sex, leave, vagina


Designated Pussy Licker

"Your taxi driver doesn't want to be your designated driver, he wasn't to be your DPL."

See pussy, oral sex, licking, oral, dd


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