What is Dragonball Z Syndrome?


The act of churning out season after season of an anime with the exact same plot, but with different bad guys, places and powers in order to keep the check's in your sold-out-the-fans, greedy, capitalist mailbooxes.

1.) Dragonball Z syndrome:

DBZ Vegeta Saga

DBZ Namek saga

DBZ Frieza Saga

DBZ Garlic Jr./Trunks/Android saga

DBZ Perfect/Imperfect Cell Saga

DBZ Cell Games Saga

DBZ The Great Saiyaman/World Tournament Saga

DBZ Babide Saga

DBZ Majin Buu/Fusion/Kid Boo Saga

Same plot, different baddies, and fight scenes that span an entire months worth of t.v. watching... Geez.

See dbz, dragonball, z, saga, dragon ball z, dragonballz, goku, gohan, cell, buu, krillin, namek, trunks


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