
What is Drunkard?


A drunken person who acts like a retard. A drunken retard.

Wow, is that guy shit-housed, hes acting like a total drunkard.

Before he was drunk, he was a normal retard, now hes a drunkard.

See drunk, shit housed, wasted, alcoholic, drinker


A person who is drunk. This applies to the following type of people:

1) Binge drinkers on a Friday night etc

2) Alcoholics, who are regularly drunk

Britain is full of binge-drinking youths, who are proud of their disgusting behaviour, and boast about their worthless lives. Drunkards are part of the British social scene. Many young British women are drunkards on a Friday night! They want to live like foolish males, and they too are fools!

See britain, uk, england


Someone who's live is alcoholic drinks! They drink whenever they can and as much as they can. All they ever talk about is events where they were so drunk and the stupid shit they did. Russia is home to the vodka drunkards, Scotland to the whiskey drunkards, Australia to the beer drunkards and the USA to the "drink my own piss in my trailer park and rape my sister" drunkards.

Man that guy at the bar was such a drunkard.


a person who does nothing but drink booze all day and funnel beer all night only to have his father take away his beer bong.

Jason Hughes is a drunkard.


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