
What is Dumberer?


completely devoid of any shred of anything that even remotely resembles inteligence

n00bs are even dumberer

See Mobius


May refer to the celebrity Azn counterpart to "rafat" (who was coincidentally nicknamed "Dumby" by dumberer). dumberer is actually Azn in appearance but white and blonde in mentality. She is most acclaimed for her reputation as "President of Absolutely Everything". She is always known to be tired. Her head also hurts alot, either from some stress which causes headaches/migraine, or from thinking beyond her capacity (which is not much). Other interests include panda bears, Cinderella, One Tree Hill, vitamin C, Jamba Juice, lame chick flicks, Starbucks, etc. Overall, she is also known as one of the nicest people around. Any of the above definitions is also suitable for her description.

Dude: 2 + 2 is?

dumberer: my head hurts :(

dumberer: hey dumby!

rafat: don't call me that

dumberer: let's watch "27 Dresses"

rafat: NO

dumberer: hola chicos! we be dem tai chi ninjas!

dumberer: don't forget to be the epitome of human now

(Some random guy steals her car/food, pokes her, and/or otherwise makes fun of her)


See dumb, panda, hello, kitty, asian, sleep


Dumber than Dumb

What comes when u try and make a sequal to dumb and dumber

See god


dumberer dumerer (adj)- very far below anything even remotly resembling intelligence at all

ur dumberer than that kid in the special olympics


obviously ANYONE can grow up to become president

I see the strategery he presents in the oval office even though his nation gets dumberer and dumberer.


One who makes someone else dumb.

Fat Bob is a dumberer.


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